Monday, October 22, 2012

Vilifying Narcissists

Today I wanted to discuss a topic that became important to me over the time I have been spending researching NPD online, in addition to speaking with specialists. It is the topic of Narcissist-bashing, or vilifying the Narcissists. OK, after having been through Narcissistic abuse more than once in my life, believe me, I completely understand just how incredibly painful it can be to realize the extend of the abuse and to make your first steps to recovery. By trying to look on the Narcissist's side, I am by no means looking to dispute the extend of the damage for YOU, their unfortunate partner, and neither am I looking to devalue your feelings about that abuse. I am just trying to fit what we know about NPD with the situation that has developed where ex partners hurt by Narcissist come out in force to dehumanize and label them in a way that will sure not inspire a healthy attitude towards ultimately very disordered people, and sure is not going to help those victims to recover sooner, if not hold off a recovery.

Let us consider a few key points professional psychologists know about the disorder:

Individual affected by NPD alienates her or his real self to avoid unbearable feelings of hurt and trauma that the true self has been experiencing. They lock out and deny their own real feelings, because they can no longer process the overwhelming stimuli in healthy ways. They are over capacity with other coping strategies human beings normally employ and so they resort to construction of false self.

False self is deliberately created to fence off the pain any "risky" interaction can bring, therefore it is desensitized to any emotional input. Period. The individual who is affected by NPD will flat out deny their and other people's right to validation of their emotions and feelings, and therefore will use every tick in the book to not let their own or other people's feelings reach their consciousness, aside for purely analytical, calculating part of their brain. The main message here that deep inside they are TERRIFIED of your real feelings because it would demonstrate their own inability to be honest and process their own unwanted emotions.

Now, please please understand although this is written and told to you plainly here using the data and analysis professionals have at their disposal, that does not at all mean the Narcissist has the same quality insight of their condition. Far from it! Indeed if they had a real insight into their situation, they would have made a first GIANT step toward recovery (though not the only one necessary, but still a giant step) Most Narcissists I have dealt with in my life - and I had my fair share, sadly - were not even aware they had ANY problem, let alone knowing what exactly they have difficulty with or how it is different from what normal people are experiencing. Think about it - they never HAD an experience most normal people take per granted - they never learned how to bond, how to trust and how to deal with their feelings.

Now, given all this, how do "normal" expect any kind of healthy interaction, and more importantly, why do they react so violently angry toward the Narcissist for frustrating their feelings, once they understand how this disorder works. It is just as irrational to expect healthy heartfelt interaction from such a damaged individual as it would be to expect a cactus to bear some mangoes for you.

I understand how bewildering it is to be dealing with NPD-affected individual when you do not know what is wrong with them, and when you are still looking for a guy or a gal that was perfect for you - kind, attentive and sweet, Bust once you know you are dealing with NPD as most online "Narcissist bashers" do, why do you keep treating them like an average human being in terms of standards for their behavior. The point IS that they are not normal, and chances are - never will be.

You do not shame a delusional person who thinks you are an alien and must be fought off. Neither do you get so angry with them you use terms like "monster", "animal" and such. You simply realize something is terribly wrong, take care of your own feelings and move on. Heck, you probably even feel bad for a guy, and rightly so!

Narcissism is more socially functional disorder in a sense that affected person does not betray their condition so easily. But they still do not have control over how they react to "threatening" stimuli, and by God most of them not have a slightest clue what is wrong, or even that they are not normal at all. To them this IS normal. To them your behavior is confusing, very puzzling indeed.

You see what I am trying to say here? To make an imperfect analogy, a rational human being will not get mad at a light pole, even if it falls and badly damages the body of their "victim". They are bound to feel hurt, traumatized, even pity themselves for their misfortune, but they will not embark on online campaign to stir resentment and hate  toward every light pole in the country! One thing to alert people to the danger of being traumatized and quite another is to vilify your disordered counterpart to the point where most of your audience feel like there is nothing human about that person at all. Actually, the person have been a victim of horrendous abuse themselves, and that is why they are behaving in a way they do. By all means, do NOT try to rescue them yourself - you are not equipped for it. Get out of the way, protect yourself and your loved once but also PLEASE have some compassion on for this badly damaged individual, not for him - he will never understand or accept any of it, or even acknowledge his need for it - but just to preserve your own sanity, your own human heart that have survived against all odds and does want to be forsaken in the name of pride.

This is the same material in the form of the video- please feel free to reference it and share it with your friends

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